A whiter shade of pale

On a bright winter morning two swans catch my attention. They swim lazily in a temporary marsh, created by the copious rains of the previous days. I approach them from the only possible direction, with the sun in my face. The light is very interesting, abundant and bright, the sun not too high in the READ MORE

Lunar eclipse of the century

Between July 27 and 28, 2018, the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century occurred. For the occasion, I planned to go up to high altitude, about 1,800 meters above sea level, on Mount Terminillo. The Moon was at apogee, the farthest point from Earth while Mars was at perigee, the closest point to READ MORE

The Plains of Castelluccio

In central Italy, within the Monti Sibillini natural park are the Castelluccio Plains. A series of three plateaus about 1,300 meters above sea level, they are famous for their typical lentils and for a natural event that attracts hundreds of photographers and tourists every year: the flowering.

Treja’s valley park

In November 2018 I have the privilege to be part of the first nature photography workshop organized by the international nature photographer Marco Antonini. The workshop is held in the Valle del Treja regional park. The park covers an area of about 600 hectares and is crossed by the Treja River that flows over a READ MORE

My first book is for sale!

Floral digressions By Raffaele Pantaleoni During the quarantine lock-down I’ve found the time to create something that stayed on my wishlist for too long. My first photo-book is for sale! It’s a personal journey into the world of flowers. Follow the link for a sneak peek. Enjoy!

Sea lillies

For some years now I have the opportunity to spend a week in August on the seafront of Sabaudia, in the Circeo Natural Park territory. Precisely on the coast near the coastal lake of Caprolace and the Pantani dell’Inferno (Hell swamps) natural reserve, which, despite its name, it is an important wetland recognized by the READ MORE

Milky way reviewed by Frans Lanting

In March 2019 I’ve sent this picture, along with almost other 1000 from all over the world, to a webminar held by Frans Lanting. https://www.creativelive.com/class/the-art-of-photographing-birds-frans-lanting#student-work My picture has been selected by Lanting himself for the students critique at the end of the webminar. Last year I had the privilege to meet and talk to Frans READ MORE

Meeting Frans Lanting

The shots of the most famous photographers always arouse interest, curiosity and wonder. Those of the National Geographic nature photographers have always had a special appeal to me. Yet there is someone who stands out in the elite of nature photography and to me Frans Lanting has always been an absolute and unattainable reference. Dutch READ MORE